Feel your Angels about you

Feel your Angels about you
Allow your angels to guide you and inspire you


Nobody else can force negative thoughts upon another unless we allow them into our minds. When you hear others speak negatively of you, ignore them and replace the thought with something nice. If you allow them to produce negative thoughts in you then you are reducing yourself to their level and you are preventing yourself from feeling the universal love about you which will guide you to your desires and goals if positive and with belief in yourself.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Once upon a dream...

Once upon a dream I saw a machine that looked somewhat like this


The same night I'd asked God a question after saying my prayers.
 I asked if I'm ever going to design something other than gadgets?
In my dream it was in what I thought was a hanger, and I touched the side of this huge machine that was about to be turned on.
I saw without the plasma energy yet knew by images in my mind, given to me while awake.

When I dreamed of the machine, it woke me up.
I wrote down 'Time machine' so I didn't forget the dream.
I didn't know it was a time machine, I felt it was one, and sharing the dream to my family made me a appear crazy (not that any of them wanted to listen) because I was going into details about something I had no understanding to.

I could forget the dream if I wanted to...or could I? Lol
No...from a two second flash of a dream I was given a completely new path to journey and one of art and math with the result of science and religion, bound in time with such an amazing alignment I simply cannot separate them
All I could do is follow what I felt and what I saw...which I did (so many know the story as I've shared as seen and created the charts) and if today I could share the 'Theory to Everything' as simply as possible, in one image then it would have to be this one

The blueprints to a time machine, lol

Since the dream I've created many images and charts to share with others what is held within the time machine I dreamed of...

52 weeks

My dreams may be different and even considered as strange to some, (shall use the word strange a lot because if I really think about it all then it is the only way to describe the path I've been walking), in fact they are strange to me so I don't question others when they say they think they are.
 I share as I see although the charts have been created as if I can see what is invisible to the eye in the physical world.
I haven't shared everything, and can't, but know I can share the picture without all the pieces I've gathered over the past few years.

I once had somebody telling me I was getting too close to something...
I dropped what I was doing, on the internet, and the charts then begun.
At first I wondered if was related to the AIDS theory I was sharing at the time.
I then wondered if this time machine was related to UFOs (as childhood tale of a UFO landing in my mother's field when I was 8) but then one day, while around Esther's, a friend of mine, she showed a friend of hers the birth charts I did.
The guy took my hand and shook it continuously for a good few seconds (felt like ages! lol) and he said 'So nice to meet you!'. It was as if he knew something I didn't, and brought up carbon and water.
 He did know something I didn't! (never met him since).
I didn't understand really, giggled at him as it was unusual to me, yet thought he'd seen just how significant these charts was, and that was why he shook my hand.
When I'd left he told Esther I couldn't know what they shared even if I'd learned from birth.

The link above has been added because when you look at the astrology chart in the front page, you'll be seeing a mirror image to what I have been sharing.

I didn't have much knowledge or any with much I first shared; I've had to research and study for understanding to my own work but always aware how it is God I'm serving by following only what I see and dream.

I'm sure I was between awake and asleep when the first dream woke me up with the 'time machine', and one night, a few months after the beginning of the WW charts,  I believe I heard God speak to me. I know we aren't supposed to hear God's voice so have wondered about this, but just can't explain as any other but God.
Again, no understanding yet felt a significance tried to find what it meant.

What did I hear?
"Turn it around".
Well, I was never sure if I heard correctly but was certain I didn't dream it. The sound came downward as if from behind, through my speaker (It in a top corner of my room), above where I sat every day at the computer. I later learned this is precisely 0 degrees on the compass, which again I found a mad coincidence.

Equatorial Diameter of Earth

I analyze everything, can't help it, and that includes all my dreams and some of the most baffling, confusing and traumatic circumstances relating to my personal life (I believe there's been an amazing alignment, pattern between my life and my work)...

If I was to consider the dreams I've felt was astral journeys then I find an understanding to the WW charts.

Out the box thinking has not been what enabled me to create the charts, but sitting on the fence has because I've been blessed with seeing from both sides, lol.
Dreams may be strange but they could actually be much more than just what we perceive as rest bite for our mind and body.

So many dreams of being in space; and the charts are as if in space looking in, like the image I share of me hugging the earth, where charts like the one as in the link I added above are as we live, in looking out.

We look up and out to the stars, and I believe I've been blessed to see from the other side, in relevance, with relevance to everything as was created, in a clockwise manner; the charts in the link follow the planetary motion which is counter clockwise



The '1' within chart begins in April because it is the month Christ's heart begins to beat
Each image shares math religion and science, artistically created for an easy understanding...

By knowing Christ's birthday I could figure out the month his heart must have begun to beat. The numbers filling the chart are with relevance to Christ, and his mother 'The Virgin Mary'. To figure it out for yourself you only need to know how many months a woman is pregnant.
40 weeks from the egg being fertilised and 36 weeks (averagely) from when the heart beins to beat.
10 months from egg fertilised and 9 from the heart beginning to beat.
So the '1' in the chart is in April; by doing as I did I then discovered that every living soul (if I'm correct; is yours on it?) is also on this one chart

Seeing from both sides of the fence ;-)

The world was created in 6 days, nothing was done on the 7th , day of rest
7 days = 168hrs

One of my first images created was this one I called 'Golden Fleece', from the story of Jason and the Argonauts, and it was named simply for the image I saw in the middle.
A Rams head with what could be perceived as a golden fleece around the face.

I had used 5 smaller identical images that I'd arranged before using the kaleidoscope tools in my art program, the Golden Fleece the result.

It's amazing how  form seems to be a great importance to many; it would be a huge tragedy to never discover what lies within

I called it a star map as that is what I see it as; again revealing what is invisible to the eye. Only last month I saw a chart related to astrology (not much knowledge other than what I've learned and gathered during research) and this is for the month of October, which is also the month where Christ become viable if had been born prem' for his lungs would have developed enough to be able to breathe for himself
(the point being the birth charts/WW charts are for all living souls, and the planet; I see a connection between the two; the connection being 'lungs')

The Golden Fleece image has an absolute perfect relevance to the WW charts and this link below will be able to explain what I'm not qualified to do, lol

polyhedron               degree sequence                 V                   E
octahedron               4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4                  6                   12


All my dreams, charts and thoughts could be a crazy coincidence of coincidences...

I have never known how much of what I see, I'm supposed to share with you, so again I have to go by what I feel is right and then wait for time to reveal what is the truth.

If I wait for the truth to be revealed with what I feel I need to share then I believe I'd have failed God for what I have to share is for the sake of many
I have to follow what I feel. It has been the creation of all the WW charts and charts related and look what I got for that! I didn't even finish school so where did it all come from?

A knowledge we all have,  am confident we do :-D

I believe God called upon me to share with you what I do, although so much I saw as a child (too long of a story to go into) I'm doing what I believe I should be

In so many ways the creation of the charts has been my school, because of the learning required to understand.

I now do something about those niggling thoughts that has been the implant of a dream, or a situation in my life, or something that keeps niggling at me until I have done something about it, like research.
I will be starting a new blog soon but shall gather a few links here until then:

I've been researching 'Symptoms Of Methane Gas Poisoning'

Many wind farms are being proposed on Forestry Commission land. Building a wind farm on forested land involves chopping down vast areas of trees, which, if left standing, would absorb CO2. Wind turbines, unlike trees, do not remove CO2 from the atmosphere. According to the Environment Agency, one acre of coniferous trees absorbs 3.5 tonnes of CO2 each year. However, when trees are clear felled, the decomposition of vegetation that is left behind actually adds to the CO2 emissions problem. At the Cefn Croes wind farm site, not only were acres of forest clear felled, but deep ancient peat bogs were also stripped off and drained, releasing stored CO2 and methane into the atmosphere

It has been reported that some microbes can methylate polonium by the action of methylcobalamin This is similar to the way in which mercury, selenium and tellurium are methylated in living things to create organometallic compounds. As a result when considering the biochemistry of polonium one should consider the possibility that the polonium will follow the same biochemical pathways as selenium and tellurium.
I believe I have what I'm looking for, linking to many things that I had even considered to be me being paranoid by the fear felt at the time of dreams, and with what my internet discoveries was showing me.

Hmmm, I wonder.
Somewhere in my yahoo profile is the blog I shared on 14th November 2006. It wasn't a nice dream and it was related to a small bomb. Not an explosive bomb but a radioactive one.
I shared the dream as I do many and then 10 days later I learned how a spy had been poisoned. His coffee had been drugged.

He developed cancer and was dead within 3 weeks.
The week before it had all come out in the media, I had been dreaming of being tracked down, and then the dream of the radioactive hand held bomb.
I'd also had dreams of the queen and 11th November, Big ben etc...strange but it was the Queens service who was supposed to have been protecting this Russian spy.

In 2007 I had this dream I‘m about to share below, in fact I was drawing the Siberian tiger and Polar bear for my Mans Loss project.
Russians and Middle Eastern men shaking hands in the arctic regions...radioactivity under the water, contributing toward global warming; in my dream it was undetected and they were invisible because of their dress code of white only


Mother Of Nature

I used to believe we dream our futures because so much of what I do now I saw as a child. Said that above but I'm amazed and disappointed in myself really because I followed what I  believed related to the charts yet ignored so many avoidable paths I took when all I had to do was understand what I was seeing when foresight was trying to alert me. I see the blessings for when I listened but also had to live through some pretty rough times to actually learn and believe and understand a gift I will always believe all have
It is almost as if lessons kept on coming my way until I finally got there, finally saw the source of this immense feeling guidance from within that I felt was all around me and in me, and had always been there.

It has certainly proved to me that following my dreams has been worthy of my time, lol and yet I could share many more dreams that I feel have been given for me to share, and research...and that bothers me!

But I gotta do what I feel is right and that means share

I was just talking to somebody in my house about my dreams and collection of thoughts related to this and it only makes more sense to me than before.
I once begged God to stop my dreams because of what I saw, then all the WW charts came to me...strange but true
Dreams I do not always understand, or make sense of, but some never fade far from my mind, recollected by something in my awake life, or by another dream binding to the previous.

11-09-2001 (English)
9-11-2001 (American)

Today is the anniversary of the death of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah passed away on this day in 1948 after suffering from both tuberculosis and lung cancer. After his funeral, Pakistanis constructed a massive mausoleum -- Mazar-e-Quaid -- in Karachi to honour him. Jinnah's birthday, Dec. 25, is also celebrated in Pakistan

I once dreamed of 'declaration of war', yet it was the days I never really understood, or even wanted to because my life was so hectic and a mess so wouldn't have seen the gift I have because I was being blinded by my life and circumstances and even ignoring what I saw  there too...(yet meant to be, lol)

I never forgot the dream though, and while reading through my 'gold book' the other day (shared as my school) I learned how the 11th September is the anniversary death date of Quaid-e-Azam.
I never knew that (just never come across or read etc;please remember I'm self taught)
Well, I now know something new, and it binds to this weird alignment of war dates and my children's birthdays.
I (as all who watched in horror), will never forget the 11th September 2001.
It was my sons 11th birthday too and as I watched the news that day my dream was on loop in my mind.
even now no really understanding to it, other than what the reporter was speaking about.
The dream: I turn the TV on to see a news reporter standing before the Whitehouse. He had an umbrella in one hand and a microphone in the other, sharing the 'declaration of war' with the world.
Behind him was an aeroplane passing the Whitehouse. Not an ordinary plane but one that was carrying a huge green container beneath it...

Strange dream, or so I remember thinking. What was unusual to me, is how I'd never had a dream of me watching the TV, and even though the dream kept playing in my mind on the 11th September, having nothing other than the images made no sense so I kept pushing it aside and refusing to accept as anything significant.

Then I had a very traumatic dream relating to the murder of two girls.
In the dream a lot of details was given and I couldn't control my emotions I'd woken up with, and I cried all day without being able to really explain myself. My husband (ex now) kept saying it was only a nightmare and to forget it.
Easier said than done.
When it hit the news headlines of these two girls disappearing I felt an instant connection to my dream. So much I had said to my family, before any media had shared, so my ex learned and saw as I shared.
It was this experience, and dream that stirred me into quitting the TV (I now only watch DVDs, films. No NEWS, as believed I was dreaming what was to become news), and it was also about this period of time when I asked God to please stop the dreams because I couldn't understand why I'd have such dreams when powerless to help those I see in need of it, and I sure didn't know how to keep my emotions under control, or separate what I felt from the dreams.
Without this experience though, maybe I wouldn't be listening to others

Then I had another dream that I felt was linking to the one related to the green box, Whitehouse and 11th September...

In this dream I'm seeing through another's eyes.
I'm inside what I feel is a mountain, the middle of three. Before my sandaled feet is a pool of clear water and I look into it to see many gold blocks. I'm laughing, and laughing at the world. Laughing so much (you know when we tilt our head back in laughter) that I see a hole in the top of this mountain. Behind me are men dressed like I am, long robes like clothing with a rope tied around the waist.2 men are leaning either side of what looks like a tunnel of tunnels, resting I think, or guarding and there are men digging within the tunnels.
There is a river near or about the three mountains.

Many months after this dream I spoke to somebody in msn about it. He asked me if the gold I saw was the missing gold in Iran/Iraq (sure he said Iran/Iraq).
I didn't even know there was any missing gold, lol...(Hmmm, gonna do a quick search as never have)....brb

Back...found lots related to gold and Bin Laden, yet nothing like what was said to me. I only take as significant if find something relating when I research.

A dream I'd had (can't share an order of the dreams yet remember a whole catalogue of them), shared on 'net at time related to a red curtain and a Nazi organization. I thought I was a child in the dream and hid under a bed of many. It reminded me of a concentration camp but for training and I hid under the bed because I had heard voices coming from the other side of a red curtain. A ritual or like where young was being trained for something. Fear felt from the aggression in their voices.

Never felt a binding to the gold in my dreams but I could be learning something as I research.
(I've spoken to my son, Ricky about this dream directly above, and when I told him of it he said the red curtain reminded him of the 'iron curtain')

The dream of the mountains did trigger research. I couldn't let go and did Google searches for the same as I saw in my sleep, although I was seeing from the inside I felt I'd know if saw from the outside too, but these are the mountains that my mind keeps seeing.

I don't know why, and I also feel as if there is this connection to the Mayans, not knowing why this feeling or connection, maybe it is the 'pyramids', and maybe it is the shape=triangle because I see it being  'electromagnetism'.
I created a 'star map' like the Golden Fleece'; me seeing cosmic electromagnetic alignment in the image, not part of our history that left us artefacts that would be influencing millions with ideas of the 'end of time' as we know it being 2012 with math, and science encrypted into stone, to share with us what is held in time.

I shared the above as a star map yet had somebody come through to 360 (I think) and complimented it; they believed it to be identical to a Mayan chart.

I see some amazing alignments in the chart, yet not seen the mayan connection other than the year.

 In our regular calendar there is a perfect alignment for 2012, identical to the above, yet there is something 13 months before hand too (feel as if solar flare cycle is related ).

 I see the Mayans sharing the solstice/equinox cycle, and maybe possible cosmic events that will effect the life on Earth because of these cosmic alignments.
My work shares the solstice/equinox cycle too; another connection to the Mayans and pyramids.
The WW charts show 2012 too with 20 concentric circles and 12 months=2012. (look above in the WW charts)
 A complete cycle....

I've had so many strange dreams I believe have been 'astral' (body/soul separation) and as if travelled through time.
One of these dreams was as if racing through space. I didn't feel as if was human, but rather a element (can't describe) and I travelled the 'Golden Fleece' path. It was as if I could see before me, and behind me at the same time so saw the path I was travelling. In my dream I had to be erased for having this memory/map and then all of a sudden I smashed into something. A head on collision that caused a huge golden cosmic explosion, and I was part of it.


Something is trying to convince me that my dreams are worthy of researching. The Golden Fleece and all the WW charts originated because of dreams, and so has this research I'm sharing now; it may require reading, and re-reading and it could conclude with nothing at the end of it and believe me, that is what I hope for, not what I believe I know. I am a person who has always believed in bringing forward some kind of evidence or information to help myself and to show others what I see.

The Golden Fleece, and Jason and the Argonauts does bind to 2012

2012 is the next Olympics; the link above share one related to 1948
...and if you read some of the blogs, you'll see many relevances in the '1948' link to wikipedia, and what I'm sharing throughout the blogs
On May 14, 1948 the State of Israel was declared, announced by David Ben-Gurion at a small gathering that assembled in the main hall of the Tel Aviv Art Museum. Within a time frame of only nineteen years, culminating in the Six-Day War, Israel fought three separate wars. But within its first four years, thanks to mass immigration, its population doubled. Furthermore, Israel had been confronted with acute economic difficulties, intra Jewish ethnic tensions, a problematic Arab minority and a secular-religious divide. Apart from defence issues, Israel faced a generally hostile or, at best, indifferent international community rendering it hard pressed in securing great power patronage or even official sympathy and understanding

Ancient olympics:
At first, the Olympic Games lasted only one day, but eventually grew to five days. The Olympic Games originally contained one event: the stadion (or "stade") race, a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 metres, or the length of the stadium.
The ancient Olympic Games grew and continued to be played every four years for nearly 1200 years. In 393 CE, the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences.

Approximately 1500 years later, a young Frenchmen named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival

The Olympic Games returned to Paris in 1924, where the participation of forty-four nations highlighted its evolution into a truly global sporting phenomenon

I have combined my research with the blog I have called 'Where Is The Love?', and I will be repeating some links, and findings between the two blogs.

I have found this:

The Order of the Golden Fleece was modeled on the English Order of the Garter, but dedicated to Saint Andrew. Philip had been elected to membership of the Garter in 1422, but had declined to avoid offending the king of France. Like the Garter it was restricted to a limited number of knights, initially 24 but increased to 30 in 1433 and 50 in 1516—plus the sovereign

and because silly little coincidences keep popping up, adding. I went to a school called St.Andrews, lol.

The order was explicitly denied to "heretics", and so became an exclusively Catholic award during the Reformation, though the choice of the pagan Golden Fleece of Colchis as the symbol of a Christian order caused some controversy.

Its geography is mostly ascribed to what is now the western part of Georgia. Colchis was in Greek mythology the home of Aeëtes and Medea and the destination of the Argonauts, as well as being the possible homeland of the Amazons. This ancient area is represented roughly by the present day Georgian provinces of Samegrelo, Imereti, Guria, Atchara, Abkhazeti, Svaneti, Racha, the modern Turkey’s Rize, Trabzon and Artvin provinces (Lazistan, Tao-klarjeti) and the mothern Russia’s Sochi and Tuapse districts

I've said how I believe my children's birthdates seem to give me clues, a strange connection that has continuously popped up as if somehow trying to give me a sign toward things I sense or thought.
None of what I have shared has been haste thoughts and presumptions, but rather everything linking to something else over a long period of time.
(I will begin including some of the links/clues that has helped me, in the comments of this blog, like how I have seen my family bracelet related by using birthdates. My birth year being 1971-My ex is 1965 yet those years are related to the Israel reformation movement of 1948. shall share more in comments but weird pattern between me/my cycle and seeing into time. )

My 6th child is called Molly.
She was born on 23rd October, and was due to be born on Halloween; gave birth a week early.
She was in a little bit of a rush to join this world and wanted to be born a good few weeks early. I got rushed to Adenbrooks in Cambridge where I was given a steroid to help develop her lungs if I was to give birth prematurely, and that jab was so painful, I sat 12 hrs dreading the second jab required. I questioned the doctor before having, asking if it could have any side effects to my unborn child.
I was reassured, but something told me otherwise. I put it down to fear of losing my unborn child yet that sense of correctness actually bound with the jab, not prem' birth. You can't understanding without a knowing or know without an understanding. I was in the unknown and had to make my choice there and then. Once again, I listened to man before the voice within my heart, in my gut all about me.

She gets flu far more than many children. Always did and one of her sayings is 'my eyes don't like me', because they are extremely sensitive to light when unwell. Then a few years ago I learned another child's mother was given the same jab, the child had identical symptoms to my Molly yet with asthma too. Maybe a coincidence but maybe a side effect to this steroid given to our unborn children.
The 'lungs', is what I see binding, not the jab (I needed jab to make her lungs viable). It's just how my mind has connected Molly to this list of war dates/months and my children's birthdates. October is significant as the month of 'viability' in the alignment with Christ (as if I can bring everything into one).

Another one of things that has helped me to see with my heart :-D

In so many ways she binds to the charts, (Christ viable if born prem'-lungs developed enough) and I had noticed this 'developed lungs' connection long ago, but it is also the lungs of the Earth that is being stripped from her hips, by man, that is causing irreversible damage to the entire globe; the WW charts.

All they are, the WW charts, is our home planet. Converted to reveal the math science and religion that can only be revealed with time.

So many are visual learners, and I must admit I have to bite my tongue sometimes with family because I could just go on for hours about my thoughts, and without the charts they have difficulty grasping what I say when speak about them.
Divided time
We so often ignore what we feel for what we are led to believe, or what we are told...we refuse to listen to the voice within, and most of the time it's simply because we find it difficult to believe what we can't see before our eyes, or hear with our own ears...
I keep a diary, and now and again I will read back on what I've written.
 I haven't always kept a diary, but I was listening to that feeling,voice within and begun saving messages and chat sessions with a person that started chatting to me in yahoo. I felt as if this person was more than I was being led to believe, there was something about this man that urged me to write things down.
 I even shared with another person that I felt I could release my thoughts and fears to.
I have been noting a few things down in my diary since, personal life, dreams and some of my chart notes.

This gif was created in a clockwise manner the result counter clock wise motion
Time and electromagnetism were created simultaneously neither being able to exist without the other

If my experiences differed then I wouldn't take my dreams so seriously, and it has taken most of my life to believe in myself rather than what I was being led to believe.

I have so much faith in people, still, it is people that has hurt me, and hurt others, deliberately or unconsciously...and I see, hear and read about weapons carried by children, some say it is to protect themselves, or so they can feel part of the society they are growing into.

That says it all!

Where is the freedom, and what happened to 'Our children is our future'?

It is humans that is destroying the planet, and the populace is growing colder and more materialistic than ever,
and it was people I was listening to over what I felt, over what I dreamed, over what I believed deep in my heart
In my mind and in my heart I believe God is ‘love’, and only love.

Everything from our pasts to our present day influences our choices, and is part of our learned behaviour that is tomorrow's guide yet the habits created through learned behaviour we grow into seems to dominate the choices we grow with

How safe is our water?



    I shall include links as I go for my own researching purposes but also because they link to what I'm sharing.
    In the blog I shared how I will be including more relating to the weird pattern between my family bracelet and what I see in our timeline.

    It is only recently has the plot thickened for me because I couldn't quite bind all the separate dates, into one picture.

    I shall share the birth years of my children and my family and I expect you'll see as I do (hoping, lol)....guests just walked through the door (my son Jo calls me 'hotel Wendy')so shall have to do in while now...brb

  2. 1948 armistice agreements...
    Only since discovering the connection between my work and me and the charts I share, can I really see where it is directing me with the family ties within
    I have said before how my eldest child was born 7/12/1988
    My second child was 11/11/89
    My 3rd 11/9/90
    My 4th 28/05/92

    I've only shared 4 of the 7 because the other 3 differ to the above, although I have found them to bind it isn't through the dates that they do.

    My second child was born on armistice day; binding to 1948 with 'armistice'

    My 3rd child was born on 11th September.
    is the anniversary of the death of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah passed away on this day in 1948 after suffering from both tuberculosis and lung cancer.

    It is also the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the twin towers (I'm a twin).

    If I drew my family dates in a a time line then mine is first of year and my ex was last of year and between are the 7 of our children.
    I find it all binding to war, and the charts and I even see how the olympics bind by measurements of the stadium originally used to the math shared from the charts.

    More guests so going guests are often my grown kids friends so open door and many people about me a lot of the time.

  3. So, thinking while peeps chat in my room.
    The WW charts may have been created to share the theory of everything, for whom ever, but they was for me to share the uncanny, amazing alignment between time and Christ, the bible and what it shares.
    I share them as time and planetary data yet also share the biblical connections I have seen.
    The Olympics cycle is every 4 years and the 'holy' binding I see is how it falls on 'Leap Year', which I find binding perfectly to Christ and his heart beginning to beat, (opposite diagonal to month Christ's heart begun to beat is October; month his lungs become viable and mentioned in blog)also the lunar cycle.
    March is the month the Virgin Mary would have fallen pregnant with Christ, the solstice equinox cycle.

    My Emma just said to me' It's doing ya head in aint it?'....

    I'm chatting with peeps as it is doing as she said.

  4. In my yahoo profile I have my old 360 blogs. Archived before 360 was deleted, and I did like too but oh well work was saved andnow copying one through because a family member had seen a small degree of truth to what I had written 9 months before it was shared in the news, this year back in early April...I saw as a mad coincidence really because it is only location that resembles anything and it was a feeling I had. The Blog in my profile was called 'Weapons in wall', and this was what I wrote:
    Weapons in Walls dream
    Hello everybody,

    I know the dreams shared doesn't make much sense to you, but believe, they don't make no more sense to me either.

    Some dreams are to reveal our fears, and some show us our wishes. Some dreams are meaningless and others can trouble our minds for a very long time.

    I've learned that writing them down can help me make sense of it, and can help me to release the dream from my mind when I can't let go of it.

    Before I went to sleep on this particular day I asked God a question, and sort of asked him to answer a few things that had been bugging me

    I'd asked for the truth to be seen...

    The dream: I had gone to Esther's (a friend), and my younger kids, with Charlotte (my eldest), had arrived shortly afterward only to tell me they had left Marijus at mine. I didn't like this and left Esther's immediately to go back to mine. I thought I'd spy on him to see if my suspicions of him were true, him being untrust worthy. I peered through my patio window to see him walking toward me, yet hadn't known I was present.

    It was as if I stepped out of that dream straight into another. Instead of being at the home I know, I was standing on the porch of what I call my home. This property, my home was very run down.

    I could see how green paint had become flakey to reveal the old dry wood underneath and I strongly felt as if I was on a property that had been unkept, forgotten, empty for twenty years. From no where many men appeared, as if not there one moment and was the next.

    I said to a middle eastern man with a beard "I live here now", speaking as I watched many men, also middle eastern, walk behind and past the bearded man to a barn or outbuilding around the corner from the house. The men started pulling the wooden panels from the side of the barn and took black guns and other weapons that had been hidden within the walls.

    I'm pushed into the house by the bearded man and taken to a back room of this shack of a house where there were many people with their hands tied behind their backs and gagged. I'm placed between them and gagged and tied also. I'm very aware of my handbag and seem only concerned about my bag.
    ...cont' in next comment.

  5. 2:I can now see my children sitting on the end of the seat, us all edging the small room.

    The bearded man appears again and is calling me Colonel as he walks toward me. I'm to follow him, my hands untied and gag removed from my mouth. I pick up my bag and follow the man through some very narrow hallways to another part of the house. The house is full of these people walking about, all with weapons, laughing and chatting among themselves.

    I'm pushed into a small area and told to undress and get into some beige overalls. I asked if I needed to totally undress (underwear too) and the man replied " It doesn't matter where you're going".

    Still, I seemed to be really only concerned for my handbag and want it in my presence the whole time.

    I'm taken outside the house where I can see men standing at a fence before me. I take a good look around me and remember thinking how I was meant to remember what I was seeing so try to absorb as much of what I saw, as possible. There is a woods before me to the left, in the distance. The early morning mist is thick but I can see this property had lots of land and had to be in the middle of the countryside. I can see lots of children running around, and some with weapons also. I'm then standing at this fence with a few of these men and some words are exchanged although I do not know what was said. One of my sons is running around also with a gun in his hand, a lot of activity about me and weapons being prepared for transportation. I'm led just feet away from where I was standing, a middle eastern woman in western attire and gun started debating with the man beside me. Who was going to kill me was discussed right in front of me. It was as if they couldn't do it. As they was crossing words I heard how a woman, her name said but not remembered, and another man was also to be killed; 3 in all. What ever I said was enough to push the man into hitting me across the face with his weapon as he pushed me down this shaft/hole that had been covered and previously unseen...cont' in next comment.

  6. 3:I don't hit the bottom, a long way down but instead am quite near the top and on what I believe wooden beams. I felt as if I was in a mine shaft or something, this hole right beside this huge countryside house.

    There is fields with corn or something growing nearby because I am in them, maybe just long grass. I must have escaped the shaft as I was lying in the field and crawling so not to be seen. Voices are heard and they are looking for me. I end up in a barn, same barn I saw before I don't know but I see a poster. The poster has many faces on it and they were the hostages I had seen tied and gagged. My children's faces seen also. The poster was of yellow and green and at the top said ' Trinity Fair'. I said trinity fair but the 'fair' is vaque but sense the word as if a knowing maybe. Trinity is as clear as day. The next moment I'm in what I think is a worshipping object. It was of cream/ivory colour and a cold stone yet polished. Square, cube kind of shape that I was able to crawl into to hide. This object being transported with the weapons, and felt as if was on a train of some kind yet no railway line is seen.

    The dream ends with me ascending as if become a bird to see from above me, birds eye view of the property. A lane, very long and off a motorway or mainroad leads to this property. I got a strong pulling sensation on my left which tells me it is to the West side of where ever it is, strange because I see it being North/West of England yet the description given of this property does relate to the priory that I've shared about in here before, the grounds Esther and I saw in the research I did about St.Osyth and dreams that had troubled me for a very long time, it was almost identical to that in the dream above.

    I did look upwards when I woke from that dream, cursing myself for asking the question...left with images that is very unsettling yet having no relation to me whats so ever.

    The story shared back in April:

  7. Maybe the dates of having these dreams are involved, I know I looked at the clock at 1:11 am (YIKES)I will check comments to see the date of the other dream relating to the sun, this one was the radiation and that is the relevance between both, but these dreams started the same evening this huge painting took place over my books (my room is so full it can be difficult to find a home for things, my bedroom and my workroom, oh and my chatroom to all of you too, lol...and its a lounge to all that comes to visit me so it is everything)

    Copied from my yahoo blog and the link is in the blog above (14th November 2006) and I noticed the time I had noted I had woken up. 1:11am and radiation was the dream I had...

    How sharing lots above, including the russian who was poisoned on 1/11

  8. 25th.
    I see today having relevance to 7. 7th November, 7th December is what I get from 25 and those two dates are me travelling back and forth to the nearest point of today.


  9. I never enjoyed history at school; sure am finding it interesting now though, :D

    I've been researching the royal bloodline so much because I had based the WW charts on Christ, which is royal bloodline, so instantly found a connection.

    just some of the history I've been researching, ;-),_London

  10. In my research I learned how the year of 1867 came up more than once, with relevance to the present...railways
    In 1867 Alaska was sold by Russia.

    Queen Victoria was persuaded to open Parliament in person in 1866 and 1867, but she was widely criticised for living in seclusion and quite a strong republican movement developed.

    Then 23rd October was seen again
    The Crimean War also saw the first tactical use of railways and other modern inventions such as the electric telegraph, with the first 'live' war reporting to The Times by William Howard Russell.

    News of Menshikov's defeat was met with disbelief by Tsar Nicholas I in Saint Petersburg – it seemed it would only be a matter of time before Sevastopol fell

  11. Isn't it strange how things turn out. I've shared a dream I've had where 'Trinity' was on a poster. It led me to lots of research but because the dream coincided with other dreams at the time of an old (early 1900's)smuggling port in St.Osyth England, I researched.
    I had been led to the Lighthouse Building in London. What a coincidence, just saw that name in this link below, when rsearching Queen Victoria's husband.

    In 1852, a timely legacy to the Royal Family made it possible for Albert to obtain the freehold of Balmoral, and as usual he embarked on an extensive program of improvements.[71] The same year, he was appointed to several of the offices left vacant by the death of the Duke of Wellington, including the mastership of Trinity House and the colonelcy of the Grenadier Guards

    Am sure it was the same year Kings cross station opened; 1852 and Kings cross has been a huge part of my research as has eqyptian buildings too ;-)

  12. The link:
