Feel your Angels about you

Feel your Angels about you
Allow your angels to guide you and inspire you


Nobody else can force negative thoughts upon another unless we allow them into our minds. When you hear others speak negatively of you, ignore them and replace the thought with something nice. If you allow them to produce negative thoughts in you then you are reducing yourself to their level and you are preventing yourself from feeling the universal love about you which will guide you to your desires and goals if positive and with belief in yourself.

Monday 2 November 2009



Where did we go wrong

Leviticus 19:18
'You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.




In the blog 'Once upon a dream' I shared a dream about children/youngsters being trained, and I could hear the agression in voices, them behind a red curtain. I shared with my son Ricky and he said how it instantly reminded him of the Iron Curtain.

Then yesterday when he returned from visiting his sister Emma, he gave me a newspaper clipping from the sun newspaper.
This is was what he gave me, with my dream in mind


Brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their motherland

Mother Of Nature


Why can't there be a teaching to love and forgive rather than prepare to kill?

I also spoke how there  is this weird connection between my life, charts children, and dreams.
My birthday is 3rd January
The U.S. Senate approved the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million at about two cents per acre ($4.74/km2). The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized territory on May 11, 1912, and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959

As I went into labour (9th Nov' broke waters) with my second child Emma, the Berlin wall was being knocked down, she was born on the 11th November 1989, also Armistice Day

A day the world unites to remember past;
I like to believe the union is full of hope, for the future and peace of mankind

Emma's Enigma

I had another dream and shared here an' there too. Strange how everything seems to be binding, and I'm trying to make sense of it as I share throughout the blogs.
The dream I had was of me as a child hiding under a railway platform, and while under there with hope of not being discovered, I could see men patrolling the railway line.
 I could also see men telling people to get into the back of this blue van, them in a blue uniform.
The dream reminded me of the early 1900's because of their dress code yet I was also aware how the railway line was next to where I grew up, and as children we was known as the real railway children, so considered and I often wondered if this dream was because I played on the lines as a child.
It was one of those dreams that never stopped resurfacing though.
When the people was guided into the van they was being misled for they believed they was being taken to safety yet was being taken to their death.

It wasn't ever considered a nightmare really, a night time scene and a dream I had many years ago. I had told an old friend, IG and when I did he said it reminded him of NATO.
Hmmm, I was more inclined to believe it was of past and war time, or just imagination playing games...then, in October 2007 I had this guy come through to speak to me in chat, telling me he worked for NATO.
did I believe him?
Not at all!
Why didn't I believe him?
I think it's a feeling that I've learned to recognize in myself, and now I listen to it because with that feeling comes a sense of guidance that can be as clear as if somebody is beside me guiding me through life.

I was instantly reminded of my dream.
He has been remembered because of some crazy coincidences that I keep connecting to the above, and the blog 'Once Upon a Dream', and I don't know why so maybe sharing will help my mind to let go.
He started talking to me on the 27th October and said how he was coming to England on the 1st November.
 Actually he wanted to meet me for a coffee in London, but I am not into meeting up with people I speak to on the internet for a casual coffee, ;-)
He was going to a dinner date on the 1st November.
2nd November returned home (said was Turkey; and claimed to work for NATO)

I wonder if the dream I had about the Siberian Tiger and Polar Bear has any meaning to all this, in fact I wonder if any of it has any meaning; I hope not because if the radioactivity is to create a deliberate meltdown,  then how much life  is to suffer with the effects of global warming?

Count the dots/triangles!
0 degrees C= 32 degrees F

Each triangle adds to 52

There are 168 hrs to *7*days
Bible: The world was created in 6 days,0= nothing was done on the 7th


Russians and Middle Eastern men shaking hands in the arctic regions...radioactivity under the water, contributing toward global warming too; in my dream it was undetected and they were invisible because of their dress code of white only


The Bering Strait

Where did we go wrong

In the 7th comment below I shared how I had a dream shared with family and friends. I think they understand my need to release what I dream because so many seem to be connected.
I know how by researching or analyzing things can help us to find an understanding, and my understanding is darkness lurks and I'm seeing it while I sleep.
When I had this particular dream I was still married so over five years ago yet it has always been one of those I can't forget, it surfacing again and again. A very short dream but once again many things felt from the images given.
The dream: I was on a areoplane and was looking out of the window at clear skies and absorbing the beautiful view of the heavens.
A ball of fire went passed the plane, the intense heat from this object felt. The next minute I'm on the ground at underground subways searching for my children...
It was only the other day I shared with somebody where I believed the 'ball of fire' was going, and where it came from. I shared because I saw the ball of fire passing the plane and with that sensed much more, writing what I felt...without a knowing.
Then I learned more about the history of the olympics and saw a crazy coincidence in the revival of the olympics making the dream stand out a mile, and what I had shared with a friend...
I originally believed it to be a comet...but who knows

The comments are sharing a lot of information and links I see creating a picture and I'm learning how research lead to  discoveries even when begin with no clues to guide me. My dreams triggered this research, and some of the charts give me clues by numbers I see as significant.
Number 72 is significant in my charts. There are 72 numbers filling it.

While researching Lenin, again, I noticed how his Locomotive had the number of 293.


What a coincidence, the 293rd day of year is 20th October (294th day Leap Year)...72 days from Christmas Day.

March 13th is the 72nd day of year, (73rd Leap year) leaving 293 days left to year.
Vladimir Lenin arrived in St. Petersburg by train pulled by this engine on April 3, 1917, to start the October Revolution   : date 23rd October-8th November

On 7 December **1895**, Lenin was arrested and imprisoned for 14* months in solitary confinement, in Cell 193 of the St Petersburg Remand Prison

My Jo's birthday is 3rd April......
My Molly's birthday is 23rd October...
My charlottes birthday is 7th December

King James version 2:8
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:



    The TKM-World Link is a planned link between Siberia and Alaska providing oil, natural gas, and electricity to the United States and Canada from Russia. The plan includes provisions to build a 64 mile (103 km) road and rail tunnel under the Bering Strait which, if completed, would become the longest tunnel in the world.[14] As of 2007, the 53.85 km Seikan Tunnel is the longest tunnel of this type. The tunnel would be part of a railway joining Yakutsk, the capital of the Russian Yakutia republic, with the western coast of Alaska.

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, approved a plan to build a railroad to the Bering Strait area, as a part of the development plan for the years until 2030. A Bering Strait tunnel could be built after this railroad is built. The funding is however doubted. The 64-mile (103 km) tunnel would run under the Bering Strait between Chukotka, in the Russian far east, and Alaska. A cost estimate was US$66 billion.[15] The plan involves creating a 6,000 km (3,700 mi) route through Siberia to facilitate economic ties to the US. A pipeline would be created to transport natural gas and oil from Siberia.----

    I've included here because my research is guiding me with the binding of several dreams of past and coincidences in my family circles that I believe are like biscuit crumbs in this drive to share what I see and discover.

    I don't know the details of certain assinations of people, yet dreams seemed to give me an insight that I could consider a curse because I feel as if have to follow share and research.

    The research has only really been recent, but those biscuit crumbs haven't. From feeling an immense fear during the period the russian spy poisoned, and dreams of being poisoned with radioactivity didn't make sense but was shared (BEFORE IT WENT PUBLIC OF RUSSIAN POISONED) although I shared as a radioactive handheld bomb I shared as I saw and that is something I know I'm meant to do, share only what I see without any summery to what I think the dream is;if I do add what I think it is, I say so.
    Sometimes my body feels like a compass and when I feel a 'drawing' feeling like 'a tug' I feel as if a sense of direction is given, and in one dream I shared in comments of 'Once upon a dream', I had this feeling therefore included in the post I had shared.

    Even dates seem to hold a significance to me. 23rd it went public, or I heard of the russian being poisoned.
    It is also related to all of us as gamete cells-sex cells only have 23 chromosomes.
    Last hour is 23, and the charts only seem to be giving biscuit crumbs too, with the universal language of numbers.
    Matheticians get images from numbers, the artist uses a paint brush or pencil and I get the same from the charts which has revealed to me a relation to Earth and all life. The charts are 'the theory to everything' simply because they hold everything from science to religion, light and dark.
    I'm just the one to share 'truth', and these charts I believe are for others to see as I do.

    Earth is the 'whole', the one thing we all share....

    shall continue in next blog, my family is busy about me and I feel as if should be contributing rather than sharing in here, so bye for now...

  2. Continuing now, although said 'next blog', I actually meant to say 'comment'.

    As I believe astral journey experiences and what we see on those journeys are seen rather as dreams to many, I try not to call myself a time traveller, lol...but if you think 'out of the box' and recollect one dream that was so real at the time, that you woke up with a second of a seconds belief it was real...and many of us are relieved it was only a dream, then maybe you can find some understanding to why I share what I see
    My dreams of travelling time in my sleep, and stepping into others shoes many a time, has led me to believe it is a source of time travelling...and if I can do while I sleep then I can do while awake....and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

    Things I've been researching has been taking me farther back than 1948, and these feelings of some binding to our future.
    1917 is where I'm going to go back to and see why it is binding to what I'm sharing, but first...

    I was researching 1948

    After the 1917 February Revolution, provoking the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II (1894–17), Lenin decided to return to Russia, difficult, for he was isolated in neutral Switzerland, surrounded by countries fighting the Great War, nevertheless, the Swiss communist Fritz Platten obtained Imperial German government permission allowing Lenin (and cohort) to traverse Germany by rail, in a “sealed train

  4. The Golden Fleece has been shared and also shared as having a relation to October. It has been significant throughout the creation of the charts, and shared as the mythological story of Jason and the Argonauts, yet time and time again I have learned that mythology has just been another way to share the same story throughout time. It isn't just a story of mythology, but rather concealing the planetary information within the story, and time reveals the main character with the first letter of each month of the year, as shown in 'Once Upon a Time' blog, and here.

    (I see more than just Jason in the above;there is also radio frequencies; so I went researching the first broadcasts)
    FM/AM :

    October has also revealed to me as having a perfect alignment to Christ and the month his lungs become viable within the womb of his mother, The Virgin Mary
    It is also the month of the 'October revolution', am going to add the link for me to go back to...

  5. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! In the blog above I said how I shared a dream with IG, and this dream reminded him of NATO.
    His birthday is 4th April, never forget as it's the day after my 5th child's.

    was signed on April 4, 1949. The NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium,[3] and the organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.

  6. Sometimes I think I was given the WW charts, and other images alike to use so can see in another light

    Jason and the Golden Fleece:
    At first, the Olympic Games lasted only one day, but eventually grew to five days.

    The Treaty of Brussels, signed on March 17, 1948 by *Belgium*, the *Netherlands*, *Luxembourg*, *France* and the *United Kingdom* is considered the precursor to the NATO agreement. The treaty and the Soviet Berlin Blockade led to the creation of the Western European Union's Defence Organization in September 1948.[7] However, participation of the United States was thought necessary in order to counter the military power of the USSR, and therefore talks for a new military alliance began almost immediately.

    These talks resulted in the North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed in Washington, D.C. on April 4, 1949. It included the five Treaty of Brussels states, as well as the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Popular support for the Treaty was not unanimous; some Icelanders commenced a pro-neutrality, anti-membership riot in March 1949.

    The treaty of VERSAILLES

    treaty of sevres;was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.

    trianon with Hungary

    Saint Germain


  7. Britain has been a target of militants in the recent past. In July 2005, four young British Islamists carried out suicide bomb attacks killing 52 commuters on the capital's transport network, the day after the city was awarded the Games.

    OK....too many coincidences now.

    The olympics and railway lines.
    I had been chatting about these coincidences I keep finding.
    In the 'bering Strait' link I find 'railway' connections, and in other blog I've been sharing the olympics, and they keeping melding into one image in my mind.

    Another dream I had, not sure if shared has railway in it too so feel as if should share. Have shared with family, and friends and because I keep seeing it surfacing with what I'm sharing am going to include in the blog above. What I find a crazy coincidence too is how I in my dream I sensed a direction where this 'ball of fire' was coming from, and where it was going to...I shared with my friend, and since learned the olympics was revived (added into blog last night) by a 'frenchmen' after the olympics had been abolished for 1500 years.

  8. I have been sharing with a friend lately a lot of dreams that stirred me to research, again.

    I have gone back much further than the 1900's and even learned how there was a Wendish crusade...another connection in my mind, my name (Wendy) a difference yet Wendy is Germanic and I do have german descendants, which led me to more research triggered from something my mother had told me.
    My grandfather apparently owned or worked (sure she said owned) a 'Black Cat' cigarette company in Germany.
    Research from this was most interesting but not sharing here although it did lead me to a building in London near Kings cross Station, with identical math to what the charts share. Am amazed and it even has a connection to me again through the arts.

    The Wendish Crusade (German: Wendenkreuzzug) was an 1147 campaign, one of the Northern Crusades and also a part of the Second Crusade, led primarily by the Kingdom of Germany inside the Holy Roman Empire and directed against the Polabian Slavs (or "Wends").

    By the early 12th century, the German archbishoprics of Bremen and Magdeburg sought the conversion of neighboring pagan West Slavs to Christianity through peaceful means. During the preparation of the Second Crusade to the Holy Land, however, a papal bull was issued which supported a crusade against these Slavs.

    The Slavic leader Niklot preemptively invaded Wagria in June, 1147, leading to the march of the crusaders in late summer, 1147. They achieved an ostensible baptism of Slavs at Dobin and were repulsed from Demmin. Another crusading army marched on the already Christian city Szczecin, whereupon the crusaders dispersed upon arrival....

    The Christian army, composed primarily of Saxons and Danes, forced tribute from the pagan Slavs and affirmed German control of Wagria and Polabia, but failed to convert the bulk of the population immediately.

    The countryside of Mecklenburg and central Pomerania was plundered and depopulated with much bloodshed, especially by the troops of Henry the Lion.[1] Of Henry's campaigns, Helmold of Bosau wrote that "there was no mention of Christianity, but only of money".[1] The Slavic inhabitants also lost much of their methods of production, limiting their resistance in the future

    :there was no mention of Christianity, but only of money:

    Nothing changed then!
    War between countries and battles between neighbours and even within bloodlines


    The term Wends or Wendish (Old English: Winedas, Old Norse Vindr, German: Wenden, Winden, Danish: Vendere, Swedish: Vender) is used in Germanic languages for Slavs living near or within Germanic (later German) settlement areas after the migration period. Therefore, this term does not describe a homogeneous people, but is rather applied to various peoples, tribes or groups depending on where and when it is (or was) used.

    Today, the term Wends is used primarily in historical contexts, but may also refer to Kashubs, Sorbs or people of Sorbian descent (e.g. Texas Wends).

    In Slavic history, Vends is the designation for West Slavs - one of the three main groups of Slavic peoples, along with Antes (East Slavs) and Slavines (South Slavs).

    The name has also survived in Baltic-Finnic languages (Finnish: Venäjä, Estonian: Vene, Karelian: Veneä) denoting Russia and Russians

  9. While chatting with my friend the other night, we was discussing our family trees. It reminded me of something else my mother had told me and my twin. She'd told my twin Phil, there was a secret she was taking to her grave, Grrrr....and maybe this strange research is only going to lead me to a self discovery of my family tree, still don't know where all this is leading me although see how everything seemed bound.
    I find connections and coincidences in it all.
    My mother had told me we have german counts in our tree. Not ever known or researched to find truth.

    Yet did find the connection with 'counts' and the 'Holy Empire'.

  10. In the blogs I have been sharing about royalty.
    In my chats with my friend I have been chatting about dreams.

    Kings cross station and more related was researched, spoken and about and connections found.

    It still binds to blogs above through the wife of Nicholas 11

    Empress consort of Russia as spouse of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire. Born a granddaughter of *Queen Victoria* of the United Kingdom, she was given the name Alexandra Feodorovna upon being received into the Russian Orthodox Church, which canonised her as Saint Alexandra the Passion Bearer in 2000.

  11. In the blog 'Once upon a time', I mention my daughter, Molly.
    Her birthday 23rd October:

    Part of the Russian Revolution of 1917,

    Revolutions of 1917-23 and the Russian Civil War

    Date 23 October - 8 November 1917

    Location Petrograd, Russia

    Result Bolshevik victory

    Creation of Russian Soviet Republic
    End of Russian Provisional Government, and Russian Republic
    Start of Russian Civil War

  12. 7/7 bombings.
    In the news it was said how the bombing was the day after England was announced as the next hosts of the olympic games = 2012

    But, lets share something else, by stepping back into time...this below is in the October revolution link I have shared a few times in here now.

    *On 7 July a government decree ordering the arrest and trial of Lenin was published. He was forced to go underground, just as he had been under the tsarist regime. Bolsheviks began to be arrested, workers were disarmed, and revolutionary military units in Petrograd were disbanded or sent off to the front. On 12 July the Provisional Government published a law introducing the death penalty at the front*

  13. On 7 December 1895, Lenin was arrested and imprisoned for 14 months in solitary confinement, in Cell 193 of the St Petersburg Remand Prison

    Family connection: My eldest daughters birthday is 7th December.

  14. My chats with a friend has been stirring research because I see my dreams of past highlighting what could be in the future.

    My discussions even involved our own family trees, directing me to more research, yet it all comes back to what I share in here.

    At exile’s end in 1900, Lenin travelled Russia and Europe — Munich, Prague, Vienna, Manchester and London (where Percy Circus WC1, at King’s Cross, London, bears a memorial wall plaque);

    For my friend:
    Did you know Lenins body is embalmed? ;-)


    The presence of Lubetkin and Lenin in this area of London repeats itself. Lenin himself moved to London from Switzerland in 1902, to continue editing Iskra from Clerkenwell Green. (Note to drinkers: he was a regular in the Crown, though you are more likely to share beer-space with baying media types these days.) Although Lenin moved back to Geneva that same year, he returned to London for subsequent Congresses of the Russian Social Democratic Party. In 1905, he and Nadya Krupskaya stayed at 16 Percy Circus, just off the Pentonville Road, where a Travelodge now stands. It is now the site of what E&V correctly describes as the sole “sanctioned memory” to Lenin: a blue plaque.

  16. Am glad I did the research I have shared here. Am glad I travelled back through time to see if it helps create a peace of mind for me, and was hoping for it all to come back to nothing, yet it didn't do that Instead I am now researching to see why I keep coming back to railways.
    The Bering Strait:

    Many things are binding here, and the many links I've included all share pieces to a puzzle that I believe I was supposed to see, to share.

    I don't know why I see Iranian and Russian connections to it all, but the Siberian Tiger and Polar Bear made this apparent to me 2 years ago when sketching them although lack of understanding awakens the belief of imagination rather than a possibility of slipping into reality...until something stirs that niggling feeling, resurfaces the same images and thoughts through coincidence usually.

    The Bering Strait connects it all! The past, the present, and the future and if you go back to Tsar Nicholas II you'll find Putin

    Bridge-building Vladimir Putin wants tunnel to US

    Nicola Smith and Chris Hutchins
    VLADIMIR PUTIN, the Russian president, is to raise plans for a tunnel to link his country with America when he meets his US counterpart, George W Bush, next Sunday.

    The 64-mile tunnel would run under the Bering Strait between Chukotka, in the Russian far east, and Alaska; the cost is estimated at £33 billion.

    Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea football club and governor of Chukotka, has invested £80m in the world’s largest drill but has denied that it is linked with the development.

    Proposals for such a tunnel were approved by Tsar Nicholas II in the early 20th century but were abandoned during the Soviet era. If finally built, the tunnel would allow rail connections between London and New York.

    A Kremlin spokesman confirmed last week that Putin seeks to build “a real bridge” between Russia and America when he meets Bush at the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

    Officials in Washington and Moscow view the talks as an opportunity to ease expected tensions about this week’s Nato summit in Romania. Clashes are expected over America’s planned missile defence system in eastern Europe and whether to allow Ukraine and Georgia into Nato.

    Russia said last month that it would have to aim its own missiles at Ukraine if it joined Nato and hosted military facilities.

    While Russia cannot block Nato membership, allies know that boosting links with the two former Soviet states would strain ties with Moscow – ties that are already damaged over the independence of Kosovo and the US missile shield.

    Although Nato’s 26 members agree in principle that the future of Ukraine and Georgia lies within the alliance, some are wary of angering Russia, which provides a quarter of Europe’s natural gas.

  17. Today is a strange day. I have done so much thinking and very little research on this lately but today something become apparent. Timing of dreams and events. I was living a very traumatic life back in 2007, and my head was buried in the creation of charts (told ya, sanity saver-and it was God wanting to save my sanity by giving me these charts to create, to share 'truth'; whether that truth being what so many fail to discover-God himself, and these charts was part of making him apparent through the charts, or it was to only share the math science and religion within them. I don't know, but I see more than what I've shared)

    Did you know that Joan of Arc was found innocent of all crimes on that date?

    Why significant to me is her being French, and France has bound to the above many a time and I have shared more thoughts to my friend about a dream shared in here, and France is connected to that dream.

    For example, a frenchman reviving the olmpics.

    I have another dream I want to share;have to after researching something else and finding the link below:
    The two early Georgian kingdoms of late antiquity, known to ancient Greeks and Romans as Iberia (Georgian: იბერია) (in the east of the country) and Colchis (Georgian: კოლხეთი) (in the west), were among the first nations in the region to adopt Christianity (in AD 337, or in AD 319 as recent research suggests). In Greek Mythology, Colchis was the location of the Golden Fleece sought by Jason and the Argonauts in Apollonius Rhodius' epic tale Argonautica. The incorporation of the Golden Fleece into the myth may have derived from the local practice of using fleeces to sift gold dust from rivers. In the last centuries of the pre-Christian era, the area, in the form of the kingdom of Kartli-Iberia, was strongly influenced by Greece to the west and Persia to the east.[22]

    After the Roman Empire completed its conquest of the Caucasus region in 66 BC, the kingdom was a Roman client state and ally for nearly 400 years.[22] Christianity was declared the state religion by King Mirian III as early as 327 AD, which gave a great stimulus to the development of literature, arts and the unification of the country. Being at the crossroads of Christianity and Islam, Georgia experienced the dynamic exchange between these two worlds which culminated in a cultural renaissance from 11th to 13th century.

    Another link for you before sharing the dream, which isn't really significant alone yet coincidental findings found because of the dream.

    When I saw this picture, of the mountain I instantly recognised it....from a dream. In the dream I was a bird and I was seeing below me. I flew over green, dry land until I reached snow= the mountain region.

    I know it may not be significant yet from it I see links to what I'm reaching, for example Colchis (spoken of already) being the location of the Golden Fleece.

    Colchis-France; both holding relevances to the olympics yet also being at the crossroads of Christianity and Islam.

  18. Really surprised with my findings tonight. Several dreams seem to coinside and led me to research, and one dream there was me in an arena with lions pulling a chariot I was in. Strange dream, and lions often surface this dream of mine. I also had a dream, silly dream, with a fountain in it and I was amazed when read the history on Trafalgar square, because of recognizing the fountain from my dream; I was wondering if I could find any relevance to Trinity Sunday because I also dreamed of the word 'trinity'.

    Sir Edwin Landseer designed the bronze lions that were placed on guard at the base of Nelson’s Column in 1867.

    The relevance being the 'year', same as when Russia sold Alaska.

  19. Queen Victoria opened the House of parliment in 1866-1867:

    A friend of mine and myself spent some time researching this 'french connection' I had felt and dreamed. In my dream there was a small bomb in a coat of a store.It led us to see if we could find anything I had described in the dream. We spent quite some time doing it too and only a couple of months back. I so wish I could make sense of what I pick up but I'm sent into research instead, how annoying!

    Then, 22nd April there was a frenchman kidnapped. I learned of this yesterday. Lenins birthday! 22nd April. And, a frenchman revived the olympics, and it was celebrated in the 1924 olympics-same year Lenin died!
    strange huh.

    The 1924 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the VIII Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in 1924 in Paris, France. The home city of Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern games, was selected over bids of Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro and Rome, though Paris had also hosted the 1900 Games.
