Feel your Angels about you

Feel your Angels about you
Allow your angels to guide you and inspire you


Nobody else can force negative thoughts upon another unless we allow them into our minds. When you hear others speak negatively of you, ignore them and replace the thought with something nice. If you allow them to produce negative thoughts in you then you are reducing yourself to their level and you are preventing yourself from feeling the universal love about you which will guide you to your desires and goals if positive and with belief in yourself.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Angel of Light

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Angel Of Light

When a close friend recently shared an experience of being stopped in his tracks on an ordinary day by a stranger with a message that disappeared as soon as sharing his message, I was reminded of a few experiences of my own.

I had already been asked if I could paint a 'man with wings' , with my friends experience shared, and the surfacing of my own experiences in the past, the Angel of light was painted with a hope of sharing what I believe they are.

Do you believe in Angels?
I do, and I believe they are like the moonlight at night to guide us through the darkness

I've had experiences where I believe the guidance was to prevent me heartache and pain

I believe I've had Angels help me to keep strong when I so wanted to just give up

I've had Angels warn me with premonitions (although chose to ignore one with a knowledge of what is to come, lol) although others have been absolutely spot on.

Every message warning or guidance given have been there for me personally, even if helping others because heartache would have been mine if the others about me was hurt in someway.

Angels haven't always made themselves apparent in the same way either.

Every memory of love is a reward
a blessing to recollect and to enrich you

From a stranger stopping me in the street, to a whisper in the ear that woke me up at night (one I have chosen to ignore), to coloured orbs (like an arc of orbs around the person I was praying for my angels to protect) to an entity of light that released me from a dilemma that my heart and mind couldn't find peace with...the experience that reminded me of the painting I shared...and one I shall share here too.
I believe when we ask our angels, messengers of God, the prayer is heard, yet some of my experiences there was never an asking before the help was received.
This particular experience ( a few years ago now) was a matter of heart, and where my faith lies. I believe faith is my friend, and everybody should befriend faith yet to find faith you have to reach into your heart to feel the voice of guidance…a heartfelt voice that I carry through life and always have. It has helped me to make past choices although I have ignored far too many times (and lived through experiences to make my own ignorance apparent) and it guided me through some pretty dark moments with this feeling that can only be explained as love even though there was no explaining from where it was coming from, quite amazing I must say; a feeling of richness...

I believe it is only the physical part of our being that is bound in time, our souls able to connect with what is invisible to the eye, to the universal forces that we all hold in the depths of our heart, where there are no expectations nor limitations.

Love lightens your spirit and lifts your heart

In my heart I  didn’t want to let God down by divorcing the man I had been separated from (a yr before) although there was no going back.
I hadn’t consciously worried about it I suppose and had considered my not divorcing him before simply as laziness although there was a deep feeling related to my faith if put thought into it. I think I considered it as a symbol of giving up, and part of my strength because of my faith is to never give up on what I believe in.
I had lost faith for us but not him as a person, as an individual, very difficult to give up when got so much faith within and I have faith in all I see.

Divorce was inevitable as a process of moving forward, a physical disconnection, but not a necessity to rush into for me (because I had already made that disconnection within my heart and didn't have any wish for reconciliation), until I had my wedding finger twisted and pulled like elastic until it fell off.

I know that sounds strange, but my soul took a journey while I slept.
Like so many experiences, dreams I share, they are more than just dreams to me.
There was an immense light all about this being that took my hand  by my finger, into the light, my arm stretched out and me laying down. I felt no pain but rather permission given from God, a blessing given.

Ever seen ‘Incredibles’?, a cartoon film where Mrs Incredible has the ability to twist like an elastic band; well that’s the best way to describe what my wedding finger did. So real, and with the falling off of the finger, the permission was felt and I wondered if was more of an order to divorce than permission to divorce.

When I woke up it left me feeling the permission, order, a sense of freedom…bit of all but the being carried a warmth within the light, a safe feeling and there was this awareness all through…too real!

I don’t actually think it was the circumstances behind the experience that was as important as the awareness of the experience itself...the angel or being within the light.

With the unfolding of prophecies the light brightens

I understood the message within the experience shared. I can see how the twisted effect of my wedding finger was very similar to that of an umbilical cord, and the marriage certificate was the umbilical cord that needed to be cut.

I did listen to it and did move quickly for a divorce with a complete sense of peace of mind and heart, my faith only strengthened.

Be very careful for what you ask for when in prayer.

I made a wish to the heavens above and I received what I asked for, and much more.

I received a huge blessing although I can only now see that my wish held much more than I  asked for, yet exactly what I asked for.

So amazed, and thankful although there is a huge sadness involved for I simply didn't understand the power of prayer when I made the wish, although my faith was strong, I didn't understand.

I now understand how great the power of prayer can be, I know how rich one can feel for having the knowledge of the universal forces within.

Love is the making of all things great
yet shines much greater with the power of prayer

I had always welcomed the idea of all those previous experiences as angels of God making themselves apparent, but it can be difficult to believe what can’t be seen with our own eyes. ..and ignored messages given or premonitions lead to heartache and darkness.

Blessings and rewards received when did choose to follow, as great as those ignored was painful...

An angel of light or an angel to enlightenment
I believe we are guided if want the guidance


  1. I've spent a lot of time lately in prayer for the people of Haiti, with the belief our prayers are heard am hoping our angels can gather for the orphaned children, childless women and men who are all desperate for food water, and shelter :(
    Please spare a thought, a moment of your time and pray for them too, with love, for love.

    Aid workers in Haiti are warning that the desperate search for food and water may be driving some survivors from despair to anger. Some UN warehouses have been looted. David Bowden reports.


    While there are mums dads brothers sisters aunties, uncles grandmas grandpas and friends trying to find a way to bury their loved ones, others are stealing and preventing help to be reached where it is needed, grief quickly turning to anger for many desperate people.

    Very dark times in Haiti, please pray for them, please send them some hope.


  4. WhenI wrote the 'Dubai' above, I did because I felt a need to. It turned out to be in the news that day too.
