Feel your Angels about you

Feel your Angels about you
Allow your angels to guide you and inspire you


Nobody else can force negative thoughts upon another unless we allow them into our minds. When you hear others speak negatively of you, ignore them and replace the thought with something nice. If you allow them to produce negative thoughts in you then you are reducing yourself to their level and you are preventing yourself from feeling the universal love about you which will guide you to your desires and goals if positive and with belief in yourself.

Saturday 29 August 2009



Clacton-on-sea is where I live, and yesterday I took a few clips of the Red Arrows at our annual air show and thought I'd combine to share with you.

I took the camera because the children and myself intended to go rock hunting on the same beach, and more, for the same kind of rocks that I'd found back in February of this year (listening to oxygen while writing this;amazing!)...absent minded me had forgotten about the air show; there was no way we could search the beaches, lol

The video shows the beach where I found the stones (on right beside the pier) so I thought it was a good idea to combine the two topics into one blog by simply calling it Clacton-On-Sea.


My daughter, Charlotte, and myself have always had a fasination with the subject of UFO's, and it always creates a conversation when we hear about sightings, and over the past year the UK have had many unusual sightings of bright orbs etc in the evening, night skies; Charlotte being certain she witnessed one of these herself, and then there's me with the childhood mystery of whether a UFO landed on my mother's property (she claims one did)
Charlotte and I also have unusual and strange dreams so we connect in a few ways (both artistic too)

She couldn't wait to text me back in January when an unidentified flying object was spotted in Lincolnshire.
Here is the link to the story:

On the right of this page you can see a map of the UK. You can see where Lincolnshire is and it is just up the coast to me, in Clacton-on-Sea...

In the link above, The Sun, you can see a picture of what hit the wind turbine?

Do you believe it is a UFO?

If so, read this.

Meteoroids, meteorites that travel through Earth's atmosphere before hitting the ground, can enter the atmosphere at speeds of over 11.2 kilometres per second. As friction from our thick gassy atmosphere slows the meteoroid, it causes an intense heat, making the meteoroid appear like a fireball shooting across the sky.

Do you see the faces in the clouds?

On 13th February 2009 I took the children, Molly Jo and Jaffa (Ryan) to the beach for a walk.
I was standing on the shore and  stared up at the sky where I'd pointed the camera to snap the above image, last year. I then looked down at my feet and the first thing I saw was the rock in the image directly below

It stood out to any other stone around it, and something told me to take it home, so I did.
When I got it home I smashed it open to see it was riddled with many elements.

One stone or rock as maybe?
And why did I include the link to a UFO?

Because our Clacton coasts have newly built wind farms, and I believe it could have been a meteorite that hit the wind turbine, and somewhere in the ocean between Lincolnshire and Clacton is more evidence pointing toward this.
More evidence?

I believe the rock I found in February has some connection to what was witnessed back in January.
It still smelt where it had been burned/scorched, and what stone on the beach burns in winter ocean temperatures?

A week after finding the rock in above image the children and I went back to search for more.
I already had the thought of 'meteorite' in mind and with this thought started looking from where I'd found the first.
I thought if it was a rock from space, and there was to be more, then walk the shore from the first.
I found several more of these rocks, in a line along the shore and did search for a long time on much of the first beach you can view in the video of Red Arrows, yet not found any more...yet

Click on image for full size

Click on image for full size

Heidi and I took several pictures of the stones because I'm trying to discover exactly what they are

Some of the images (darker stones) are of them wet and others are of them dry but they are all of the same kind of material/elements.
We took pictures of them wet, and dry because the elements within them appear different, and also light makes a difference too and to get the best information about them I need to be able to show them for what they are

To discover what something is, sometimes we have to rule out what it isn't...

How do you know it is a meteorite:

Collecting and identifying meteorites:

One of the elements in the stones/rocks I think is cobalt; a useful site below for element information, and great to help discovering what elements could be in your stones/rocks


On my birthday there is a meteor shower

What I find a coincidence is how this binds to the stones I found, and what was shared on the 8th Jan 2009 in the sun newspaper related to an apparent UFO hitting the blade of a windfarm turbine.
My reason for believing the stones could have been from the shower is merely dates, and something inside that often niggles until I listen, and I've finally heard, lmol

The Quadrantid Meteor Shower

Tuesday 11 August 2009



On September 21 2007 my daughter,Charlotte came home, to do a little art as she does.
She's a student and often while I paint, she will do a little art. Some times I will have Charlotte, Heidi, Molly and Jaffa all doodling or drawing in my room...quite an artistic bunch really.
I had never really experimented with sketching although had doodled, so decided to give it a go for myself and picked up a book to see what inspired me.
As soon as I saw the zebra it took back in time to when I was a girl, and owned horses.
How I wished I could own a zebra and ride as I did my horses, lol. So my chosen subject was the zebra and I was pleasantly surprised to see my own drawing skills was much better than I expected.
The zebra and my own little girl fantasy had also reminded me of something my 5th child had said 'I want to help our animals when I grow up'. He'd planned how he'd house animals in bid to help them although his 10 year old mind hadn't the capabilities to think things out realistically he had his heart in the right place. That's all it takes for anything.
An open heart goes a long way and can be the inspiration for others to do the same.
He certainly inspired me with my sketch collection and a little challenge begun with the completion of the zebra and surfacing of dreams.

Leopard resting after catching his next meal...
I have a very deep passion for our trees. Oh boy, they stop me in my tracks so often just so I can take in their beautiful form. It was the challenge I saw in drawing the tree with leopard that inspired as part of the collection.
Trees aren't just magical to me,it is the life and energy they provide us with...a true tragedy to be a witness of the deforestation.
Just what will the human race be enduring in a hundred years time because of today's actions?
Our planet, our animals are already suffering.
The changes we are to face with atmospheric pressure is and will be causing many lung diseases.
The organs of respiration; where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air takes place.

The trees provide us with oxygen, and as the planet is deprived we will be starved.

Now think how it is going to be for life in just one hundred years if the deforestation continues at the rate it is!
Keep an eye out for the atmospheric pressure changes...ok?

I wanted to create a collection of sketches so then had to give myself a number to do toward the collection.
I was going to do fifty, and each was to be numbered on completion. As the first sketch was drawn on a small piece of A6 writing paper I decided to continue and hoped to only use one piece of paper for each animal.
I hate wasting paper, and if I could do all fifty with this writing pad I had then it wouldn't have cost me any more than £1.50 to create the collection.
I also wanted to test my drawing skills; I wanted to see the improvement with practise, and I was certain I could improve my new found talent (remember drawing on stable walls as a child). I had been painting for about a year or so but found it easy only because of knowing how simple it is to cover mistakes.
We are limited with the pencil (easy to damage the paper)unless extremely light handed, and that I am. All the images have been edited so can see the very faint pencil work; edited by darkening in 'brightness and contrast'.

The Greater Bilby.
It took a while to do this image; about 6 hrs in total, because of the background. Rubbing lightly with the eraser helps with creating grass backgrounds as this one has. I didn't have internet during the three months of creating the collection but feel spoiled with books full of animal photos.. and WOW, soooooooo spoiled for choice!
My collection was created with non-profit (other than for charity)intentions, it was my art lesson and challenge to see if I could complete before Christmas, giving me three months to complete...and it sure was a challenge to keep with my busy life, lol.

Polar Bear
My Heidi's fav' animal, and the cat.




Fairy Tern



Destruction of Sumatra forests driving global climate change and species extinction: WWF

Pekanbaru, Sumatra-Turning just one Sumatran province's forests and peat swamps into pulpwood and palm oil plantations is generating more annual greenhouse gas emissions than the Netherlands and rapidly driving the province's elephants into extinction, a new study by WWF and partners has found

84 percent decline in elephant populations, down to only 210 individuals, while tiger populations are estimated to have declined by 70 percent to perhaps just 192 individuals




Vervet Monkey


Peregrine Falcon


Angler Fish


Pygmy hippo

Sloth. The life span of the two-toed sloth is averagely 12 years (yet 31 has been known in captivity.

Some sloths stay in the same tree for years:
Their body temperature depends at least partially on the ambient temperature; they cannot shiver to keep warm, as other mammals do, because of their unusually low metabolic rates and reduced musculature.Two-toed sloths also differ from three-toed in their climbing behaviors, preferring to descend head first.

Another picture I drew because of the tree. I tried to copy but when I was done I could see how the tree trunk was made of faces.
Can you see them too?




Indian Rhino

Axis Deer.
The deer I see a resemblance to a heart shape, to its horns,yet there is no heart so maybe its something I sense, an instant attraction for me as I have a passion for that shape and collect the shape as in crystals, ornaments keyrings etc; even have a few heart tattoos.

Pink Mantis.
A friend through my ex-husband picked the Mantis for me to draw.
He saw it as a challenge,lol.
So many creatures to choose from, and I really have felt blessed because it has been such a learning process while creating the collection.
I had never really understood just how troubled our animals and planet was until creating this collection.
Some times it requires experience to understand and the time spent in books and being the artist gave me an insight I had never comprehended before hand.
I've always considered myself an animal lover, and know I'm a lover of life, but still, life has kept me in the fast lane where I never stopped to think farther than the surface..
I've never been a litter lout, and I've always loved the nature about me and when I saw through the media I saw the beauty of each animal and learned how they lived reproduced, and even suffered as a species...


Macaque Monkey:


Golden Jackal

The cheetah is the fastest of all land mammals, able to chase after its prey at up to 95 km/h. A protected animal since suffering from the fur trade.

Alpine Ibex


The Siberian Tiger

Tigers are top of the menu and the whole of their body is used in traditional chinese medicine. They are tortured and killed to reach the high demand for tiger products. Eyes, teeth, fur, whiskers, bones, meat, bile, feces..

The more of these products we buy, the more tigers are slaughtered. We can make a difference by NOT BUYING traditional chinese remedies, and other products that is thriving while our animals are extinction, and tell your friends to stop buying too.

There is no actual scientific proof of any of these remedies and potions working yet life is stolen simply because people believe in others, and what they say.
No visible signs

Some people have said to me 'how can I believe in God when there is nothing visible to believe in?'
I see God in life and everything beautiful and loving every day of my life, and my beliefs are, and love is visible for all to see

Who is the real predator, man or tiger?

We can make a difference, if want to!

Green Tree ants
As I drew, I read, and as we read we see. I included them into the collection because of their amazing ability to unite as one, for the survival of all.

Yellow-Headed Collared Lizard

Cape Buffalo
I found the project a great art lesson, on paper and in my computer art program

Golden Lion Tamarin

Strike backed Rufous

Giant Panda

African Wild Dog.
The African Wild dog cares for their old and young alike. Their social behaviour unique among the dog family. The unconditional love of the dog really does shine through this species.

Bumble Bee.
A large bee found mainly in the temperate N hemisphere. The adults transport pollen on the modified outer surface of the hindleg. The bee is organized into primate societies, in which only the queen overwinters to produce the next generation of workers.




Red Panda


Humpback whale

Grey wolf

Axolotl:A permanent tadpole

The Pangolin


I'm an artist who created the collection of 50 sketches, for the charity WWF (World Wide Fund ), and to be honest didn't think of anything other than the idea of them helping our animals.
When I had finished creating the 50 I contacted my local supporter relations for the charity and gave as a gift, with hope that the images to be produced in many ways from posters to mugs t-shirts and writing sets, stamps you name it...with 100% of profit to the charity.
I believe they could make a huge profit (international sales), and they was rejected simply because they believed I was doing to make a name for myself. And...
many artists had sent work and rejected simply because of their name being on the art (letter stated they had rejected other artists work) or should I say, declined the offer/gift.
The Duke of Edinburgh was the first President of World Wildlife Fund-UK from its foundation in 1961
Care of the environment has been one of The Duke of Edinburgh's greatest passions since long before it became a matter of general public concern. The Duke was the first President of World Wildlife Fund-UK from its foundation in 1961 until 1982, was International President of WWF (now World Wide Fund for Nature) from 1981 to 1996, and is now President Emeritus. His involvement has always been more than as a figurehead. He has served on the organisation's boards and committees, given numerous addresses and speeches and on the subject, and visited WWF projects in over 40 countries on five continents.

The public concern reached many hearts yet our contributions offered as gifts of love for the sake of love, are rejected.
How sad!

My name is Wendy, not WW, lol and I am now using the sketch collection to make others aware.....until can get produced for the charity.

The charity could really benefit for accepting artists work, a name or not ( I didn't include;the ww was so the purchaser could see was part of same collection, each image also numbered on completion (I had a business plan as created) ;yet did offer to delete the ww, or add the 'F'=WWF.

I couldn't have created this collection if it wasn't for the fantastic images provided for me to copy
I used some images from a  WILDLIFE fact file folder given to me to borrow from my Molly's school, her teacher at the time had taught a few of my kids and what a great teacher he was too.
They even had birthdays for the carpet, lol....just so he could take in treats for his class.

I also used some other books in my small library that has been gathered over a few years, from charity shops.
Some really great books and at a pittance compared to book shop prices.

Another book I used to collect images for the collection was 'Trials of Life', by Sir David Attenborough
and when I saw this pelican I had drawn (for my downstairs loo wall) , in town, in another book by Sir David Attenborough I noticed how alike the photo, and my sketch was, and my very first sketch, the zebra, was also one of Sir David's photographs, and part of the inspiration I felt at the beginning of the sketch collection

 Sir David,
 am sure you an' your work is an inspiration to millions more than just me.